The Axial Joint Restriction Series

Resolving Back Pain

Level 1

The Lumbar/Pelvic Algorithm

Muscle Energy Technique

21 IASI continuing education credits


The Lumbar/Pelvic Algorithm is designed to expedite the identifying, treating, and resolving low back and extremity pain.


In this class you will:

1. Develop a practical knowledge of joint restrictions in the pelvis and lumbar spine

2. Learn an algorithm to assess and successfully treat joint restrictions of the pelvis and lumbar.

3. Learn muscle energy techniques to gently release these restrictions.

4. Receive a manual to assist in perfecting your new skill once you return to your practice

Level 2

The Cervical, Thoracic & Rib Algorithms

Level 1 is a firm prerequisite.

In this class, you will learn to quickly resolve restrictions in the upper axial skeleton.


You will learn to mobilize restrictions of:

– The atlanto-occipital joint

– C1 through T12

– Structural rib restrictions

– Inhalation and exhalation restriction


Tired of the expense of flying around the country to study? Host the class and we bring to course to you.



1. Find local venue

2. Secure up to 10 massage tables

3. Market workshop to local SI practitioners and through social media group



1. Class in your hometown

2. NO tuition